Jenna & Jordan Berger
North Myrtle Beach High School

Jenna & Jordan are ranked number 1 and 2 in the senior class with grade point averages above 5.0. They are 3 sports athletes competing in volleyball, basketball and soccer. They were named All-Region in volleyball and basketball. Jordan was named All-State in volleyball and basketball. Jenna tore her ACL which required surgery causing her to miss her junior year. Jenna & Jordan are very supportive and lean on each other for strength, motivation, support and encouragement. These characteristics along with Jenna and Jordan’s leadership and positive attitudes were key factors in helping the volleyball team win its second consecutive State Championship and basketball advanced to the third round of the playoffs.
Jenna and Jordan are members of the National Honor Society, Beta Club, NMB “AP” program, Captains Club, Varsity Club and FCA. They are very active in school and the community. They do fundraisers for Special Olympics, organize food drives and are active in church.
North Myrtle Beach AD shared “Jenna and Jordan epitomize what student athletes should be and what great student leaders should be, more importantly they are truly amazing young ladies of great faith, always looking to help others.