Paulina Halus
Wilson High School

Paulina is a senior with a 5.507 GPA. She is a 2020 SCHSL Scholar Athlete and captain of the soccer team. Paulina’s services to her school and community include coordinating a SAT Preparation Club where she has virtually led her peers weekly in preparing for the SAT while out of school during this pandemic. Paulina is a member of the Tiger Club which is a school wide service group completing community services monthly where she chaired October’s Trick or Can drive that provided over 1000 canned food items for the local food bank. She participates in Cardboard Box City a homelessness awareness event, delivered cards for nursing homes and hospital patients. Paulina is an honor student currently in the (IB) International Baccalaureate Program where she earned a perfect score in the IB Spanish. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society, the Robotic Team, Math Team, Palmetto Girls State, US Naval Academy Seminar, West Point Leadership member and the SC Youth Government member.