NFHS rule books, case books available
The SC High School League is excited to announce a new way of ordering NFHS Rule Books this year. We have created a digital platform through Shopify that we hope will help schools track their book orders, shipments and payments more efficiently. Once you have placed the order, you will receive a confirmation email or text and another notification when your order is ready for pick up or has been shipped (if you select that option). Schools will also have the option to pay with a credit card or mail a payment with the invoice.
Most orders will be available for pick-up within a few days or can be picked up at the classification meetings (high schools) which will be held in August & September. Books that are not currently in stock can still be ordered and notification will be sent when they arrive. You can decide at that time if you wish to pick up those books or have them mailed to you.
Please use the link below or scan the QR Code to take you directly to the SCHSL Shopify account to begin your orders.