Farm Bureau Insurance Continues SCHSL Football Postseason Involvement
Tammie Newman tnewman@schsl.org/803.896.0417
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Columbia, SC – For the third straight year, Farm Bureau Insurance® is partnering with the South Carolina High School League to make it easier for football fans to follow the gridiron playoff activity across the state. The collaboration provides Full Coverage of the upcoming SCHSL playoffs via digital and social media.
Farm Bureau Insurance’s involvement with SCHSL playoff football begins each year with the release of the official playoff brackets for all five classifications, which can be found by clicking on the Brackets tab on the home page of SCHSL.org. These interactive brackets come to life following the crowning of state champions as Farm Bureau Insurance agents present the winning schools commemorative editions of the bracket as keepsakes for their trophy case.
As well, each Friday during the postseason fans can utilize the Twitter handle @SCHSL to receive scoring updates on all playoff games via the Farm Bureau Insurance Full Coverage Scoreboard. Typing in the hashtag “#FullCoverageScoreboard” will also allow Twitter users to see those updates. As well, fans are encouraged to use #FullCoverageScoreboard when they are posting scores from playoff games themselves.
“Farm Bureau Insurance and its agents across South Carolina really enjoy being a part of the always-exciting SCHSL football playoffs. Being able to support student-athletes on the high school level and reaching into communities big and small, all over the state, allows us to truly differentiate ourselves from our competitors,” said Susan Merrill, Farm Bureau Insurance Director of Marketing.
The SCHSL football playoffs get underway Friday, November 5th with 80 games across the state and culminate with five state championships being decided over three days December 2-4th at Charlie Johnson Stadium in Columbia.