The SCHSL Sportsmanship Awards are presented by Team Assure, which specializes in Zero Deductible Excess Insurance for students, student-athletes and school staff, as well as Catastrophic Insurance.
Our standard shall be that all coaches and players compete with humility and respect all involved in the contest. The purpose of this program is to promote and recognize exemplary conduct of the players, coaches and fans. The South Carolina High School Leagues encourages your school to take the challenge and make sportsmanship a priority in your school.
Sportsmanship Awards will be given out to member schools at the Spring Conference each year. The dates of the award time period is March 1, 2022– February 28, 2023.
The online form is to be completed no later than March 1, 2023
There are two levels of the Sportsmanship Award: Banner & Certificate. To be eligible for the banner your school must field a team(s) in each sports season. (Fall, Winter & Spring)
Requirements to receive Sportsmanship Award:
(To be eligible for the banner your school must field a team(s) in each sports season. Fall, Winter & Spring)
· Community Service Activities * – Minimum of four (one must be litter clean-up during the living clean week**)
· Captain’s Course – Attend all three (Fall – August 18, Winter – November 17, Spring – February 27)
· Sportsmanship Program in your school ***
· Attendance of all four Student Summits
· Athlete Ejections – None
· Coach Ejection – None
· No sportsmanship issues or sanctions of fans or students at any contest
· Community Service Activities – Minimum of two (one must be litter clean-up during the living clean week**)
· Captain’s Course – Attend all three (Fall – August 18, Winter – November 17, Spring – February 27)
· Sportsmanship Program in your school *** or attendance at two SCHSL Student Summits
· Athlete Ejections – No more than three
· Coach Ejection – None
· No sportsmanship issues or sanctions of fans or students at any contest
* Community Service Activities – must provide description of activity, dates and photos
** Living Clean Week – description of activity and photos
*** Sportsmanship Program – must provide details of program, how it is implemented in your school